a party studio

Printable party supplies, ideas and creativity

Valentine’s Day Lollipop Flowers with FREE Printables February 3, 2012

Yesterday, I posted free printables for lollipop butterfly Valentine cards. How adorable are these little butterflies? I think they are so cute and my daughter is super excited about taking these to her preschool for their Valentine’s Day party!

Today, I’d like to share some matching lollipop flowers. My son will be taking these for all the ‘little ladies’ in his preschool class! For this simple project, you’ll just need some lollipops, sharp scissors, card stock (110 lb is perfect) and some glue or a stapler.


So, to put these together. Simply print out the free download on heavy bright white paper or card stock. Then, use your scissors to cut out the flowers and the hearts. Each green heart will be the flower’s leaf. You could have your child write their name on the leaf or the flower. Take your first flower and fold it in half as shown above and then fold it again so that you can snip off the tip. This will create a hole for you to put your lollipop stick through. Unfold your flower and slip in the lollipop stick. Make sure the hole isn’t too big or the paper will not stay at the top of the lollipop stick! If that does happen, you can always add a little bit of tape to the underside to hold it up 🙂

To add the leaf… you have a couple options. Either way though, you need to fold your leaf in half to get a crease down the center. You can either:

1. attach the heart to the lollipop stick and use some glue to hold it togehter

2. fold the heart around the stick (the crease is pressed against the stick) and staple the leaf



I used Tootsie Roll Valentine Pops which I purchased at my local Walmart. They are cherry flavor and have a pink wrapper. I actually got the idea for these flowers and the butterflies from the box! You can download the FREE file from here or just click on the image below.


Let me know if you have any questions and if you make these, let me know how they turn out! We think they are adorable. Remember to like my Facebook page and follow me on Twitter and Pinterest!